

by Guertin Lab


Processing of DNase-seq data from ENCODE

Enzymatic digestion sequence preference was characterized on the genome-wide scale in a joint publication from Shirley Liu’s and Myles Brown’s groups using DNase-seq data (He et al., 2014). We use publicly available DNase-seq data from ENCODE (Stamatoyannopoulos Lab) and data deposited into GEO (Lazarovici et al., 2013) as examples of how to use seqOutBias to correct enzymatic accessibility data.

Retrieving raw data from ENCODE

Download the fastq files directly from ENCODE ( ). Use wget to retrieve the raw fastq files from ENCODE, tar the downloaded files, combine all the replicates for each condition and compress the resultant file. Note that we are combining all the data sets for the purpose of having more sequencing depth of coverage and for ease of analysis downstream. These files result from DNase-nicking of crude nuclei isolations, so peaks represent regions of open chromatin in vivo. A recent comprehensive review of outlines the molecular biology details of DNaseseq (Vierstra and Stamatoyannopoulos, 2016). It is noteworthy that DNase does not cleave double stranded DNA, instead DNase nicks the phosphodiester backbone of DNA and four nicking events are needed to detect a DNA fragment by DNase-seq, although only two nicking events are detected per fragment (Vierstra and Stamatoyannopoulos, 2016; Thomas, 1956).

mkdir ~/DNase_ENCODE
cd ~/DNase_ENCODE
tar -xvf wgEncodeUwDnaseMcf7Estctrl0hRawDataRep2.fastq.tgz
tar -xvf wgEncodeUwDnaseMcf7Estctrl0hRawDataRep1.fastq.tgz
tar -xvf wgEncodeUwDnaseMcf7Est100nm1hRawDataRep2.fastq.tgz
tar -xvf wgEncodeUwDnaseMcf7Est100nm1hRawDataRep1.fastq.tgz
cat UwStam_MCF7-*fastq > UW_MCF7_both.fastq
gzip UW_MCF7_both.fastq
rm *.fastq.tgz
rm *fastq

Download short read archive data set (SRA accession SRX247626) of DNase-seq data from DNA purfied from IMR90 cells (Lazarovici et al., 2013), convert the sra to a fastq file using fastq-dump (herein we use version: 2.7.0), change the name to be descriptive, and compress the file. Note that this is DNase-seq data from naked DNA digestion (i.e. no bound proteins), which provided the most compeling evidence that DNase signatures at the site of transcription factor (TF) binding are not a result of protein binding (He et al., 2014).

fastq-dump SRR769954.sra
mv SRR769954.fastq IMR90_Naked_DNase.fastq
gzip IMR90_Naked_DNase.fastq
rm *sra

Index the Appropriate Genome File

Retrieve the relevant genome from UCSC (Karolchik et al., 2014), we will use the latest assembly, hg38. This is a zipped fasta file of the entire human genome. Bowtie 2 is an efficient tool for aligning sequencing reads to long reference sequences. For this execution we used Bowtie2 version 2.2.6. The first task is to build the genome index with bowtie2 (Langmead et al., 2009). This only has to be performed once per genome.

gunzip hg38.fa.gz
bowtie2-build hg38.fa hg38

Align fastq.gz files with bowtie2

This code will loop through files in a directory. The file name is split on the ’.fastq.gz’ string and the variable ’name’ is assigned to the first string.

for fq in *.fastq.gz
    name=$(echo $fq | awk -F".fastq.gz" '{print $1}')
    echo $name
    bowtie2 -x hg38 -U $fq -S $name.sam

Convert to bam file format

Sam files retain all the information from the fastq files, but include additional information, including alignment coordinates ( The header has all the chromosome size information from the hg38.fa file. Next convert the sam file to the compressed and sorted BAM format using samtools (version 1.2 used herein) (Li et al., 2009).

for sam in *.sam
    name=$(echo $sam | awk -F".sam" '{print $1}')
    echo $name
    samtools view -b $sam | samtools sort - $name
rm *sam